Sculpting the Day - Spotlight on NMA Student Chris Ella Dick

In our latest student highlight from the New Masters Academy's four-year program, we're proud to feature the journey of Chris Ella Dick. Chris's unique path from a background in philosophy and cultural anthropology to becoming a full-time artist offers a compelling narrative of how diverse academic disciplines can enrich one's artistic pursuit.

From Philosophy to Art: Chris Ella Dick's Artistic Evolution

Chris Ella Dick's journey into the world of art began alongside his academic pursuits. Initially involved in creating children's books and later delving into science comics for kids, Chris always found himself drawn to artistic expression. This blend of educational and creative experiences laid the groundwork for his career in art.

After Chris started to work with a mentor he also started to look for online classes to enhance his technical skills and to work on his fundamentals. This aspiration led him to New Masters Academy, where he found a program that resonated with his goal of steady, comprehensive artistic development.

A Structured Day: Balancing Art and Learning

Chris starts his day with meditation and breakfast, followed by drawing exercises. This routine helps nurture focus and creativity. The afternoon is dedicated to NMA classes and assignments, allowing him to balance self-directed projects with structured learning.

Focusing on Artistic Goals

Currently exploring figure drawing and landscapes, Chris aims to deepen his understanding of composition and expression. Chris says, “I want my art to become visually clear and emotionally capturing.”

”One of the things I find most challenging with my studies is the overwhelming amount of courses that sound so inspiring and inviting,” Chris said. After struggling with the desire to rush to get better faster, Chris pivoted to keep motivated. “I decided to go really slowly with the courses and assignments from now on. I’d rather do less courses and try not to rush through them but to understand more thoroughly what they are about.” He’s also started to focus on my own projects more again to bring the things he learns to life.

Diverse Assignments and Their Impact

Courses like Drawing 1 and DF I have broadened Chris's understanding of the art-making process. Revisiting assignments and receiving feedback, particularly on Discord, has been crucial for reinforcing his fundamentals. He is now working on the course Fundamentals of Drawing and Perspective. “The assignments in Drawing 1 were often unexpected and made me value and integrate many details of the art-making process I had not really taken care before (like the lighting, how to hold the pencil, how to have fun, how to arrange the studio, to take care of my posture, sleep, and health),” said Chris.

The Importance of a Slow Approach

“The one I have find most helpful is to go slowly - I heard Mark Westermoe, Glenn Vilppu, and Bill Perkins say it in their courses. To me, this is the most difficult piece of advice to follow.” This approach reminds him to focus on the present, enjoy each step, and resist shortcuts in the creative process.

Feedback from Discord has been instrumental in pushing Chris's boundaries and reinforcing the impact and joy of art. Another surprising source of feedback has been children. “When I've worked for children, I've actively asked them for their feedback. They've been the most honest, merciless, and helpful critics I could think of,” said Chris.

”My basics have definitely improved since I started. The resources I find most helpful are the recorded classes with the feedback on Discord. They allow me to work at my own pace and still get really good input from the NMA team.”

NMA's Role in Shaping Artistic Aspirations

NMA is not only enhancing Chris's skills but also providing insights into navigating the art world, crucial for achieving his artistic goals. “I believe NMA will help me in two ways: It will help me improve my skills. I believe this is the most essential basis for my artistic aspirations and career. I also took a glimpse at some coaching sessions focusing on how to move into the art world. I think NMA will help me in this aspect, too.”

Advice for Aspiring NMA Students

“If you didn't join yesterday, join today. Go slowly. Paint a lot. Enjoy.”

Chris Ella Dick's story is a testament to the diverse and enriching experiences at New Masters Academy. Stay tuned for more stories from our artistic community as we continue to explore the unique journeys of our students.


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