NMA Academic Calendar

Your Weekly Guide to Important Dates and Events

January Group Sessions

Dive into the essentials of the human form with our "Figure Drawing Bootcamp," or learn to showcase your work effectively in "Creating Your Art Portfolio."

Digital artists can explore rapid techniques in "Procreate Quick Studies," while "Brush Economy" offers insights into impactful traditional painting.

Enhance your skills in landscapes with "Techniques in Landscape Drawing and Printmaking," and gain hands-on experience in our "Demo & Paint-Along" sessions.

Prepare for a professional art career with "Mastering Residencies and Funding Applications in 2024," and refine your approach in "Sketchbook Practice: Pen and Ink Wash."

Join us for a month of intensive learning, practical application, and artistic growth!

The calendar serves as a weekly reminder for instructional classes, sessions, and events at New Masters Academy.

Locate and add the Academic Calendar to your account via this Google Calendar link.
If you have any questions, please email us at info@nma.art.