Spotlight on NMA Student Success: Kush's Academic Art Journey

We are thrilled to shine a spotlight on one of New Masters Academy's dedicated students, Kush. Achieving not one, but two milestones, Kush has successfully completed both Part 1 and Part 2 of our brand new Interactive Courses, setting an inspiring precedent as the very first student to do so.

Understanding New Masters Academy’s Interactive Courses

Interactive Courses at New Masters Academy (NMA) offer more than just a curriculum; they promise an enriching, hands-on learning experience. These courses enable students to delve deep into the subject matter, ensuring not just an understanding, but a mastery of artistic concepts and techniques. The engagement, critiques, and feedback fostered through these courses on our Digital Campus aids students in retaining the content effectively.

Why Consider NMA’s Interactive Courses?

Here's a peek into what Course I provides every artist at NMA:

  • Week 1: Dive into the world of art with Steve Huston, Chris Legaspi, and Heather Lenefsky, exploring foundational drawing tools and materials.

  • Week 2: Engage in drawing exercises with Heather Lenefsky and Chris Legaspi, focusing on pencil techniques.

  • Week 3: Joshua Jacobo introduces the core principles of value and shadow scales, vital for hatching and blending.

  • Week 4: Grasp the concept of 3D forms in perspective with Chris Legaspi and Catherine Bobkoski.

  • Week 5: Chris Legaspi and Heather Lenefsky guide on the nuances of light & shadow application.

  • Week 6: Dive into texture creation and mark-making with Mark Westermoe and Catherine Bobkoski, analyzing works from renowned draughtspeople.

  • Week 7: Master still life setups with Bill Perkins and refine compositions with Heather Lenefsky.

  • Week 8: Heather Lenefsky concludes the course, teaching you how to bring your still life drawings to life using advanced techniques.

If you're ignited by Kush's story and wish to immerse yourself in our courses, find out more here. Join us in raising a toast to Kush's commendable achievements and his promising journey ahead under the guidance of our esteemed NMA Coaches. And to each artist, let's continue supporting, inspiring, and pushing one another towards greatness. ⚜️


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